Updated May 9 2020
Cutting Edge Hair Studio is now open.
To All of Our Clients
Here, at Cutting Edge Hair Studio, we are focused on keeping our Salon clean and our clients and employees healthy. Therefore, we have put in place certain Protocols and Guidelines for both our clients and our staff to help ensure the safety of all. We have developed these Protocols based on guidance from the CDC and health care professionals. We encourage you to read over this page so you will be familiar with the Protocols and the Waiver you’ll be asked to sign.
COVID-19 Protocol and Waiver
This is what we are doing to ensure your safety:
- We wash our hands frequently and thoroughly (20 seconds minimum)
- We check our temperatures daily.
- We will avoid handshaking and adopt an alternative to handshaking.
- We will do our best to avoid contact with sick people.
- We avoid touching our own eyes, nose and mouth
- We will stay home if we are not feeling well.
- We have provided anti-bacterial soap in the restrooms for our clients and employees
- We routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces and have disposable wipes available for use.
- We’re doing our best to keep hand sanitizer available for all to use.
- We continuously monitor current guidance from health experts.
Protocol and Waiver For Our Clients
- Please do not come for a service if you do not feel well or have symptoms
- We may ask you to wait in your car until it is your turn for service at your appointed time.
- Please bring a mask with you. We ask that you wear the mask to the extent possible while in the Salon and receiving services.
- We will take your temperature upon your arrival and before your service.
- We will ask you to sanitize your hands upon entering the Salon and before your service.
- Please maintain 6′ of distance from other clients and staff unless having a service.
- We will ask you to read and sign this COVID-19 Protocol and Waiver before having your service.
- By signing this Waiver, you attest that you are clear of the following symptoms and situations within the past 14 days leading up to your appointment. If you have any of these symptoms or situations please let us know before your service.
a. Fever of 99 degrees or more, or fever symptoms such as repeated shaking and chills.
b. Cough
c. Trouble breathing, shortness of breath
d. Muscle aches
e. Sore throat
f. Headache
g. New loss of taste or smell
h. Had contact with an individual who has shown signs of any of the above symptoms within the past 14 days.
i. Have been around anyone confirmed to have had COVID-19 within the past 14 days.