Cutting Edge Hair Studio is committed to providing the highest level of excellence in wellness and beauty services. Our clients place their trust in us every time they make an appointment and come through our front door. To that end, our staff is committed to providing services that meet or exceed their expectations. We want our clients to feel that, each and every time they put their trust in us that we will provide them with the level of excellence they deserve. Our staff is consistently attentive, caring and friendly, always listening to their clients in order to understand their needs and desires, and bring out and enhance their natural beauty. We want people who take pride in their work and accomplishments, both professionally and personally.
We are hiring!
We are looking for skilled talent, from experienced hairdressers, skin care specialists and nail technicians to newly graduating beauty professionals. Cutting Edge is also looking for skilled, people oriented aestheticians who want to make a positive difference in the lives of those they serve. We offer a beautiful work environment in a fast growing, full service salon, with friendly and fun co-workers. Other benefits include attractive compensation plans, product discounts and the opportunity to grow professionally.
Join Our Team
Take a moment and tell us about yourself. Just complete the Contact Form on the right or use the email address, or telephone number below.