Diabetes is a disease that affects our ability to produce and use insulin to process food for energy to power the body. Sometimes, it can lead to neuropathy, a nervous disorder that affects circulation. Poor circulation can affect feeling, especially in the extremities. It also prevents or slows healing. This can be especially problematic in our feet, where cuts can go unnoticed and untreated.
To compound matters, our feet are probably the most neglected areas of our bodies. Neglecting them can lead to many other problems – ingrown nails, thickened or brittle, even curved nails. During a pedicure, nails are cleaned, trimmed and shaped. That can help prevent ingrown nails and train them to grow properly. A good nail tech will also massage your feet, removing exfoliating cells and introduce oils and moisturizing creams to re-hydrate the skin.
One of the greatest benefits of a pedicure is that your feet can be examined more closely than you would do by yourself and, if any problems exist, they can be addressed early on. Oh, and having a pedicure by an experienced nail tech can be so very relaxing.
However, getting a pedicure in an unsanitary environment or from a nail tech who is unskilled or not very careful can lead to small cuts that, if untreated, develop into serious problems.
So what can we do to keep our feet healthy? The first step is to go to a salon that puts an emphasis on safe, sanitary conditions and hires nail techs that are familiar with the treatment of diabetic patients. Before having a pedicure, talk to your doctor, then tell the nail tech that you have diabetes. Responsible nail techs will ask new clients if they have diabetes and make sure that existing clients have already disclosed this information.